GSA Announces Ambitious Goal to Support Disadvantaged Businesses

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The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced today that the focus for the fiscal year 2022 is to grow and support the small disadvantaged business industry through the utilization of federal contracts. 

The primary objective is to increase the number of contracts awarded to disadvantaged businesses “four-fold” from the previous year. 

To ensure these new objectives are met, the current administration will set forth numerous tactics to reach this massive increase in awards. An agency-wide plan for 2022 to meet a 21% set-aside goal was put in place to raise the bar and provide disadvantaged businesses a platform for growth. 

In 2021, the President signed an Executive Order on “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.” This order was the beginning of the push to create an equal playing field for underdeserving small businesses across the country. 

Associate Administrator of the Office of Diversity, Exodie C. Roe III, said, “This is an ambitious goal – but that is exactly what we need to promote equity and increase small disadvantaged business participation in the federal marketplace across all categories,”
Overall, this yearly objective will continue to strengthen diversity within the United States. 

Like all government contracts, being registered to sell to the Federal Government, and being certified as a Disadvantaged Business is necessary to be awarded these opportunities.

At Government Services Exchange we help small businesses of all sizes and revenue windows get registered and get certified to sell their products to the U.S. Government. 

Partnering with us will ensure your disadvantage business is prepared to take on the contracts that are coming your way. Give us a call today at (866) 850-1710 for a FREE consultation with a Certified Specialist. 

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